Last Friday turned out to be an adventure. It started off at the inhuman hour of 7:30 when I had to be injected with the radioactive tracer for a bone scan. That took 4 pokes. The nuclear medicine tech diagnosed me with self-preserving veins. My veins look beautiful and feel great but as soon as the needle pokes into my skin the vein disappears. Yay.
The scan itself was uneventful and I'm happy to report that yet again I did not get squashed.
The needle fun continued Friday afternoon with my herceptin treatment. Four more pokes.
I'm going to blame it on dehydration since it has been warm here for a while. It is definitely not an indicator that it is time to get a port. I'm positive of that.
My parents were in Victoria for the weekend so Ian and I had weekend access with the pets. Thank goodness when we get the animals back we will be in a house. I suspect they would both rebel if we tried to move them back into a condo after their summer at Pender.
I can just see Orchid riding Jasper as they try to find the ferry to go back to Pender. Although, I could also see that after they pack their food they both decide to dive into their kibble and gorge themselves so they don't get very far.
On Monday I had recovered sufficiently from my needle trauma and I decided to try making fig newtons. Mmmmmmmm........they turned out fantastic. I'd be really nice and post the recipe for anyone that would like to give them a try but I mashed about 7 recipes together and then made some changes, sorry :-P
And......that brings us to today. I know, I'm skipping Tuesday but that's because Tuesday was totally uninteresting. Ian did make a yummy ling cod curry, but that was the only excitement.
Today I got a call from my oncologist with the results of my bone scan. There was something suspicious that showed up near the base of my skull on the right side. The scan wasn't totally conclusive, but was a flag that more investigation is needed. Sooooo, that means I am on the list for a head CT scan. I assume it is the same as a regular CT it just scans my head. We shall see.
There was also a little more brightness in a couple places on my spine but my oncologist is not totally convinced that means anything. It is always more difficult to compare scans done on different machines so there is always a chance that is part of the issue.
For now I just wait for the CT scan and then we go from there. If there are signs of progression it may mean dropping the tamoxifen and moving on to an aromatase inhibitor which will continue to decrease my estrogen production. Goodie, that means the wonderful hot flashes will continue but at least that isn't more chemo.
As a fun activity, I am heading to Portland in a week and a half with a couple of friends to take in the Portland International Beerfest. I can't wait! It will be a great way to have time pass while waiting to find out what is going on in my skull.
Ok, my hot flashes seem to be in a lull so I can get some sleep. Good night :-)
Please update us when your head scan has been scheduled. Also, make sure to provide a detailed report on the Portland Beerfest. You will officially be a bad blogger in my books if you don't have pictures of that weekend :)