Sunday, 5 January 2014

2014 Already???

I am still a little stunned that 2013 is over and it is 2014. Thanks to Suz and Wayne for a great New Year's Eve! It is always fun when the St. Paul's gang gets together:-)

While Ian and I were en route to the New Year's gathering I was thinking of where I was for December 31, 2012. My last chemo treatment had been on Dec. 28th so I remember I was layering up Advil and Tylenol to limit the joint pain as we went to Nick and Sarah's. Sarah was still pregnant and I couldn't handle any alcohol so we were celebrating together with our sparkling apple cider. I wasn't an aunt yet. I didn't have hair, eye brows, eye lashes, or nose nair. I had not decided at that point if I would have surgery and radiation was still a future idea.
Now it's been over a year since my last chemo,  the baby is 6 months old, my nephew is 11 months old, I have CURLY hair, and my brows, lashes, and nose have all recovered. I've had surgery and found out it's not as bad as some people say and for a little while the radiation unit of the BC Cancer Agency was my home away from home for a while. I've also made it through another PET scan, 4 bone scans, and 3 CT scans.

I guess you could say there were a lot of changes in 2013. Not as many as in 2012, but really not much can beat a cancer diagnosis for a life changing event.

After much consideration I have decided to only make one New Year's: I resolve to only make one New Year's resolution. Hope I don't fail!

And I want to send out a hello to a friend of mine who had the unfortunate luck to become a member of the breast cancer family just before Christmas. All I can say is that it sucks you are now a member but it a pretty amazing family all the same. You will never lack for support, advice, understanding, and most of all fun.  Cancer does suck so sometimes you have to look a little harder but I can guarantee there is still fun to be had.

One thing that I always found amusing was looking for music links while battling the insomnia I had during my taxol treatments and I will try an continue that even if I'm no longer posting at 3 a.m. The song I found for today was part of my radiation playlist.  Many other patients I was in touch with suggested having a fight playlist particularly for radiation as the daily slog to treatment gets a little hard on the spirit some days.
Some patients actually had their playlist played while in the treatment room.  I never got that hardcore but I only had 16 treatments so it was not as overwhelming for me.

Here it is:

I hope it works. I was having some blogger/YouTube crankiness.

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