Monday, 30 July 2012

Chemo day 1

What can I say? So far so good. I almost don't want to say anymore for fear of jinxing it but I had to take few steroid pills this morning which means I am a little twitchy so I might as well blather on.
The day started out okay, the appointment was for 9 so I didn't have to get up early. Always a good thing! I decided that we should leave just after 8:30 to walk 4 blocks so we got to the cancer agency a few minutes early (15 minutes). But I ended up getting to my room a few minutes early too so it worked out well. 

We were in the room at the end of the hall so we had a fabulous view over GM Place and BC Place to the mountains.  Such a great start:)  The room itself had 3 chairs in it but I was the only patient in the room.  I suspect that is because it was my first visit so I got one to one care.
My nurse was very nice, she went over all my pills and told me what to take.  Five pills in all, that's a lot for a person who hasn't even been on antibiotics before! Then the IV was put in, I made sure I was well hydrated yesterday so I had nice poppie outie veins; whatever it takes to make this process go more smoothly.

First up was the red drug.  This one can cause tissue damage if it leaks out of the vein so the nurse manually infuses the drug to really watch what is going on.  If I feel any pain I had to tell her but everything went fine.  
Next was the other drug.  This one went in through the IV infuser so my nurse was free to go over the potential side effects and answer any new questions we had.  Most of the information she gave us was covered in one of the many coping with chemo manuals I had but it is still nice to hear the information from a person.

My hair will probably start to fall out next week:( My white count will likely start to drop next week as well but should recover in time for my next chemo day.  Have no fear, there is a large bottle of Purell on the kitchen counter so everyone that walks in the door can sanitize.  And, poor Ian may get relegated to litter box duty.  Hopefully both he and Orchid will survive.

The second infusion went smoothly.  A potential reaction if the drug runs too fast is wasabi nose.  Since almost everyone I know is a sushi lover you can probably figure out for yourselves what a wasabi nose is, but no effects for me.
So, IV out, spot covered with a band-aid, and out the door.  10:30.  Not bad.

We walked home, stopping to pick up coffees and a muffin for me (hey, if I'm feeling hungry I'm gonna eat while I can!).  
Right now I feel okay, but not totally like myself.  I think it is partly psychological just knowing all those drugs are in my system but it is also the drugs.  I am not doing a great job of focusing and multi-tasking is completely out the window.  And movement takes a certain amount of pre-planning, do I really need to move?  Can I wait a few more minutes?  Maybe I should just stay on the couch, that seems easier. 

I am on the steroid for 3 days to keep my energy up.  Apparently day 4 is when the really tired feeling will hit.  Hmmm, that could be a doozy based on how I feel right now.  At least I'm not nauseous!  I love you anti-nausea pills!!



  1. A big thank you for the update! Ian was going to be in big trouble if there wasn't one

  2. Sheryl! I'm sorry to have missed joining you at ensemble Tap last Friday... I appreciate you sharing your experiences in this blog - your sense of humour and appreciation of things aren't diminished even slightly, because you're a fount of strength and character. Keep your spirits up, you and Ian!
